Avec plusieurs copines, j’ai assisté à un atelier de cuisine au safran. Super soirée On était 6 dans la cuisine avec Ludovic – et Harry a eu le droit de venir manger les résultats
Le menu du jour :
- Ravioles de crevettes bouillon au safran
- Veau rôti petits légumes au safran, pommes Anna
- Macaron au safran
With several friends, I went to a cooking workshop based on saffron. There were 6 of us in the kitchen, with Ludovic – and Harry came along after to help us eat the results of our efforts.
On the menu:
- Shrimp ravioli with saffron broth
- Roast veal with tiny vegetables in a saffron sauce, potatoes ‘Anna’
- Macaroon with saffron filling.
Some macaroons were more successful than others. I was given mine to take home - no-one wanted to eat it. But it tasted good!