Jasmin au River Cafe.
Jasmine at the River Cafe, Constantia Uitsig
Et sur la route de retour – pas de ceintures de sécurité ici!
On the way home – no safety belts here !
A busy day on Tuesday – 8.15, aqua-gym at Virgin Fitness club, and then into Cape Town to the theatre at the Victoira and Alfred Centre to see the Metropolitan Opera Don Giovanni. It was on ‘Live from the Met’ in Sarlat, but we missed it, and so Harry had to sit through – at least some of – it with me. Then a walk around, checking out Table Mountain and the South African Nobel Peace Prize winners. Today it’s raining – as one of my English students said ‘dogs and cats are falling.'
Le sapin de Noel - Christmas tree
Alfred Lutuli, 1960, Desmond Tutu, 1984, Willem de Klerk et Nelson Mandela 1993
Fabriqué avec des boites en plastique pour Coca Cola – Pourquoi?
Made from Coca Cola plastic cartons. Why ?
Sunday 20th November we had lunch with South African friends Guy and Nicole (Nicole is a photographer, and we have taken several workshops with her.) Nicole spent several months in France in 2009, and a week with us in Carlux. Through them we met Paddy and Raymond, who also love the Dordogne, and who also spent some time with us in France. We ate and drank well, and had a great time.
Avec ses salades, et bien sur, des roses.
Low tide – there are nicer beaches not far, but here we have lots of rocks.
Les montagnes derrière chez nous. The mountains behind our apartment.