The chef, George Jardine, had a well known restaurant in the
centre of Cape Town. Wanting a quieter life
for his family, he moved out into the country near Stellenbosch. All his
friends thought he was mad, and that no one would come. They were wrong. The restaurant was recently rated 3rd
in the country, and is very popular. And not too expensive. Starter and main course for 275 Rand ($31 Cdn.),
and with a dessert added, 320 Rand, ($36)
Le site est tres beau. Beautiful location.
On commence avec
du bon pain, puis des entrées. Le plus impressionnante
est ‘moules en papillote avec du gingembre, du lait de coco, de l’ail, etc.’. Magnifique.
We started with very good bread, and moved on to the
Le plus impressionnante est ‘moules en papillote avec du gingembre, du lait de coco, de l’ail, etc.’. Magnifique.
The most impressive (good choice Susan) was mussels en papillotte, with ginger, garlic, lemongrass, coconut milk. Magnificent.
Puis des plats – filet
du porc avec sa purée de panais, ses figues, etc. Et du bon poisson.
Then the main courses – again we really liked the port filet
with parsnip puree, figs, etc.
Mais la pièce de résistance –l’une des meilleurs choses que j’ai jamais mangées, un soufflé au miel et au graines de pivot. On l’a partagé entre 4.
But the piece de resistance and one of the best things I
have eaten anywhere, is the honey poppy seed soufflé. We split it among the 4 of us.
Dave l’a aimé aussi.
Dave liked it too!
Les photographes
essaient de capturer l’image. The photographers
at work.
Deux choses intéressantes.
Des nids des tisserins masqués – il tissent des nids.
Et un panneau
pour protéger les caméléons.-
Two final things of interest – weaver bird nests, and a
warning sign to protect chameleons.
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