dimanche 21 avril 2013

21 avril – Repas de Chasse. Hunters’ lunch

Comme tous les ans, L’Amicale des chasseurs ont organise son repas le dimanche 21 avril à la Salle des Fêtes.  On a beacoup (et bien) mangé
Every year the Hunters’ Association organizes a lunch at our village hall.  We ate lots.

On sait qu’on va beaucoup manger et boire, et  on va normalement à pied.  Donc, on a vu des scenes de printemps.
We know that we are going to eat and drink a lot, and therefore it’s better to walk.  That way we also got to see spring arriving on the way.

 Puis, au bouleau.  Then down to work.

Kir pamplemousse       Grapefruit Kir
Soupe de campagne    ‘Country’ soup

Harry fait chabrol.  Harry is following a local custom of rinsing the soup bowl with some red wine.

Terrine de gibier cuite au feu de boisTerrine of game cooked over a wood fire

Maestro de saumon à l’oseille. Salmon with sorrel sauce

Civet de chevreuil.       Venison stew

 Trou des Griffoulieres (Sorbet poire) Pear sorbet with eau de vie 

Roti de chevreuil.        Roast venison
Haricots verts.  Green beans

 Des roses pour les dames.  Roses for the ladies.

Pesée du jambon  André essaie.  Guessing the weight of the ham.  André tries his luck.


Rôtie de sanglier         Roast wild boar

Cabécou  Goat cheese

 Poire Belle-Helene  Pears with ice cream and chocolate sauce
Coque de Pâques        Brioche with aniseed

 On n'a pas attendu le cafe.  Trop.  We didn't wait for the coffee. Too much!
Et puis on remonte.  Then back up the hill to home.

 Harry m'attende.  Harry waits for me.
 Chez nous.

2 commentaires:

Krys and Paul a dit…

Ah! To be in Carlux now that spring is here ;-) That was a nice little meal!!!! What kind of training did you do to get in shape for it?

Carlux a dit…

Not enough training. In fact even most of our friends couldnt manage the second roast. rather a waste. Off to aqua gym now to try to deal with some of it