samedi 18 mai 2013

17 mai Au Marché de Souillac. Souillac market.

 De l'ail nouveau.  Et des plantes, bien sur.  New garlic, and plants, of course.
 Gilles et ses fromages.  Gilles with (some of) his cheese.  Also blac cherry jam, eaten with brebis.

L’un de mes scènes préférés – le petit dej au marche.  One of my favourite scenes – breakfast at the market.  Red wine, often steak. They have, of course, been up working for hours.

Des asperges blanches ... 
White asparagus...
 et parfois des vertes.
and sometimes some green
 Des fraises gariguettes.  Gariguette strawberries - only in the spring, and some of the best.  All local.

 Et Mara des bois.  And Mara des bois - a cultivated strawberry that tastes like wild strawberries.  W'll have these (and others) all summer, into October.  Local.
 Des poulets et des canards  Chickens and ducks.

 Des moules, des huitres, et beacoup plus.
Or mussells, oysters, and sevral yards more fish that didn't fit into the picture.

 Toujours beaux, des artichaux.  Always beautiful, great big artichokes.

 Et la dame qui fait des gaufres.  The lady who makes waffles.

1 commentaire:

Krys and Paul a dit…

Have to go get some breakfast now ;-) This made my mouth water