Le 19 décembre. Déjeuner au restaurant ‘Equus’
Quand quelqu’un
dit à son papa qu’elle aime les chevaux, quel papa ne lui donnerait son propre écurie
– avec bien sûr, un restaurant, un vignoble …
Nous, les clients, en profitent.
Entre Somerset West et Stellenbosch se trouve un très beau (et très bon)
When someone says to Daddy that she loves horses, what
father wouldn’t give her a stable, with, of course, a restaurant, a vineyard….We,
the customers, get the benefit. Between Somerset West and Stellenbosch, a beautiful,
and good, restaurant.http://www.cavallistud.com/
Nous avons commencé’
avec un peu de pain, avec son beurre saveur vin.
Starting with bread and wine-infused butter.
J’ai continué
avec de la saumon façon ponzu (oriental), avec pastèque et avocat. Je na’ pas du tout anticipe ces saveurs. Très bon.
For me, ponzu salmon with watermelon and avocado. I didn’t expect it to have anything like this
amount of flavour. I guess I didn’t know about ponzu sauce
Pour Harry,
pastrami avec des graines de moutarde, du raifort
Harry had pastrami with mustard seeds and horseradish
Puis, poitrine de
porc. Pork belly with beetroots
Et poulet, cuit ‘sous
vide’ Chicken ‘sous
Citron meringué,
dans un bocal. Lemon meringue jar
Et tout autour. Incroyablement
beau. And all around. Incredibly
1 commentaire:
My brother once said he was hard done by because his father didn't leave him a farm like all his friends. We girls thanked our lucky stars - the hard-working ones got paid for working on a farm so they could go away to school and never farm again except for personal pleasure and the lazy one (me) was born at the right time to have it paid for by tax dollars - I wonder if they were aiming to get farm kids off the farm because they knew where we were heading with industrialized farms? Anyway, no one gave us a farm let alone a stud cum restaurant and winery... and I have to say thank god!
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