Depuis longtemps nous nous sommes dit qu’il fallait aller à Toronto (7 ans depuis notre dernière visite). Il y a a des rendez-vous administratifs à faire, la famille à voir et surtout, un ami de longue date qui n’allait pas bien. Mais, avec la pandémie, les problèmes dans les aéroports…. Enfin, fin aout nous avons réservé des billets – le lendemain Harry a attrape le covid, mais mieux vaut avant que durant.
Donc, le 20 septembre nous sommes partis.
We’ve been saying for a long time that we should go to Toronto – it’s been 7 years since we were there. We have various administrative things to do, family to see, and above all, an old friend who is not doing well. So, finally at the end of august we reserved our tickets. The next day Harry came down with Covid, but better before the trip than during, we thought.
So, on September 20 we took off.
we were amazed at how much it had grown, how noisy everywhere was, how many people there were. it's not Carlux!
But we did get to spend a fair amount of time with our friends Roy and Marjorie in their new apartment. and we were pleased to see that he was doing better than expected.
Pizza at a restaurant nearby. Des pizzas pas loin de chez eux
Et un bon repas chez eux. And a great Thanksgiving dinner at their apartment.
Suivi d'une promenade dans leur 'coin'. Followed by a walk in their neighbourhood.
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