Apparemment il n’existe
pas de traduction pour le ‘big five’ – les animaux les plus difficile à chasser
en Afrique – le lion, l’éléphant, la buffle, le léopard, et le rhinocéros. Nous en avons vu 4 des 5. Malheureusement, il
y a de moins e moins de rhinocéros.
People often refer to the ‘big five’, the animals most
difficult to hunt – the lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhino. We saw 4 out of the 5. .unfortunately there
are fewer and fewer rhinoceros.
Je commence avec
le léopard – la seule fois que nous l’ayons vu.
Beginning with the leopard – the only time we saw one.
Mais, quand-même,
avec les ibis, typiquement africains. Still,
with the ibis, typically African
Les 'petits cinq' - au moins un, la tortue leopard. The 'little five', or at least one, the leopard tortoise.
Il n’a qu’une défense
– probablement le résultat d’une attaque par un crocodile, or un hippopotames.
Only one tusk, probably having been attacked by a crocodile,
or a hippo.
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1 commentaire:
Wow - though I'm sure that leopard was a stuffed toy lol - The two-headed water buffalo was exciting. Love the ibis! I'm sure those elephants were posing for the sculptor that did the piece at Marj and Roy's lol Zebras were equally cool. I didn't know you could click on one photo and get a slide show - bigger and even more exciting shots!
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